Have you tried everything (weight watchers, bootcamps, keto, ets.) and are still struggling to get rid of body fat in stubborn areas?

Are you struggling with feeling sluggish all day until you melt into the couch after the kids are finally asleep?

Is it a challenge to find the time to prioritize your health with all of the responsibilities and prioritizing others before yourself?

If any of this sounds familiar, trust me, you're not alone. As women age, especially after having kids, it feels harder and harder reclaim your body

I’m glad you found this page where I will share with you the simple steps toward becoming a healthier, skinnier, and happier you.

Let’s reclaim your dream body!
Meet Your Expert
Meet Anca Marcus a dynamic nutrition coach and fitness trainer with over 20 years of experience in the health and wellness industry. Hailing from a family deeply rooted in athleticism, Anca Marcus has always had a passion for fitness and healthy living.

Drawing from her own experiences, Anca Marcus is passionate about empowering busy moms to prioritize self-care and find balance in their hectic lives.

Through a personalized nutrition plan, tailored fitness routines, and unwavering support, she helps moms reclaim their health and vitality while juggling the demands of motherhood.

Get ready to unleash your inner powerhouse, lose the stubborn fat and become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself .

  • It's not a crash diet or a one-size-fits-all approach.

  • It’s not a restrictive diet.

  • It’s not a crazy and exhaustive exercise plan.

  • It’s not starving yourself.

My Personalized Nutrition Plan is tailored specifically for women just like you

Imagine waking up each morning, 12-24 LBS lighter, feeling energized, slipping effortlessly into your favorite old pants or that sexy red dress, and strutting out the door with unshakeable confidence.

That's not just a dream it's within your reach. And you deserve it!

The best part ? You don’t have to suffer to achieve it!

This plan isn’t rigged or fixed.

It will allow you to attend special events, parties, and/or celebrations and feel like you aren’t on a diet. ( And start to get compliments and comments about how great you look at these events)

Right now you are probably thinking “This is too good to be true”
It’s simple science combined with personalized attention.

With custom macros, you'll have the flexibility to enjoy the foods you love without sacrificing your goals.
Imagine indulging in those oreos, cake, or glass of wine guilt-free, all while inching closer to your dream body.
It's not just about the numbers on the scale.
It's about reclaiming your vitality, balancing those stubborn hormones, and living your life as a confident woman.
Weight loss is great! toning, having endless energy, and enjoying your life is even better.
The only thing you will regret? Not starting sooner.
Are you ready to rewrite your story?
To feel empowered, confident, and downright unstoppable?
Join me on this journey, and let's make your dream body a reality. You got this!
With love and excitement, coach Anca
What You Get with the 4 Week Personalized Nutrition Plan
  • Science-backed no BS nutrition

  • Personalized Calories and Macronutrients calculation

  • Customized meal plan tailored to your goals and dietary needs

  • 2 Week done -for -you meal plan

  • Automated weekly grocery shopping list
  • Delicious, healthy fat burning recipes and snacks that you'll love
  • Increase portions for your family
  • Build Your Own Plan using your favorite foods
  •  Flexible food tracking
  • Easy meal recording
  • Weekly progress checks to keep you on target
  • 4-week Progress check in with measurements and progress photos
  •  Feedback on your progress and calories / macros adjustments so you can continue your progress

  • 4 Weelk 24/7 access to the FITCHIK Group chat
  • Loving Community
  • Education for life
  • Macros Made Simple ebook

  • How To Create The Perfect Meal ebook
  • 7 Hacks For Mastering Meal Planning ebook
  • Effortless Grocery Shopping Guide ebook
  • How To Cook Like a Pro ebook
These ladies trust the custom macro plan, and not only have they achieved amazing results, but they have also learned for good how to feed their bodies to thrive and maintain a healthy weight forever
  • I never believed in my life that it was possible not to know how to nourish myself so that my body stays within parameters that make me feel good in my own body. Only now, at 46 years old, have I finally learned to nourish myself to have energy, loose fat, maintain muscle mass, and eat for a clear mind.
    The Fitchik Program taught me how to build my daily menu to meet my cravings and various nutritional needs. I love it ! And I adore Anca She pulled me out of a vicious circle that I couldn't get out of on my own. This woman made my life easier. She taught me how to build my daily plan without cutting out any of the foods I love. She showed me how I can get the results I want (lose weight, maintain muscle mass) while having freedom in my food choices. She made my life so much easier. I adore her; she took me out of this vicious circle that I couldn't manage to get out of on my own.
  • The Fitchik program is amazing because it was personalized to my specific needs as a crazy busy mom of twin boys. My favorite foods were taken into consideration, as well as my non-negotiable. It was pretty much my life but so much better organized and structured. I had clarity about the habits I needed to focus on, a structured meal plan, friendly calorie and macro targets (oh yes, so much food), and all the tools to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. The macro diet will forever be my best friend.
    This was a life-changing experience for me because, with the Fitchik program, I lost 23 LBS. Besides reaching my aesthetic goal, I was inspired to motivate my family to follow the same steps.
  • Menopause had hit hard with hot flashes and bloating, and although I had just lost a couple pounds by walking more and trying to follow diferent diets or apps nutrition guidelines, meeting Anca was an inspiration. I finally decided, “I’ll just do what she does”.
    I realized that I needed her help because what I’ve been doing all these years is not working.
    With the Fitchik Program, in six months, I was down 18 pounds and 3 pants sizes. I ate out, went on vacation and still saw consistent results. I’m now about 10 LBS heavier than my old “target weight” that I thought I needed to reach (the skinny weight I talked about) but I look and feel great and I’m now able to maintain my new “lifestyle” without starving or missing out on life. My 55th birthday I wore a sundress with cutouts – I never thought I could do it but Anca’s coaching has worked so well!! In fact, my husband has lost about 25 pounds just from casually following my new lifestyle with me! He said he’s never seen my body transform like this before and we’ve been married almost 30 years. Anca’s expertise has really changed my life. I could not have done it without her coaching!
  • After hitting forty as a single mom of a toddler and with a full-time job, I felt that despite my efforts to eat healthily and go to the gym regularly, I wasn’t getting the results I wanted. I was always bloated, my lower body constantly felt heavy, and I was frustrated with the extra 29 LBS that wouldn’t come off.
    After getting on the Fitchik program, within a week everything started to change, not only physically but also in the way I felt. After receiving a custom macro plan specifically made for me, I quickly realized that I was consuming way too much fat and definitely not enough protein. As soon as I started following the structured plan designed for my hectic schedule, my diet became much more organized and simplified. It’s so much easier to get results when you know what to eat, when to eat, and in what quantities to eat to fuel your body and lose weight. The program simplified my life not only in the kitchen but also in the gym or my home gym. Having an exact structure of workouts and exercises to follow took all the guesswork out of how to start and where to progress.
    I lost 20 LBS, got a six-pack, and became stronger than ever. I can never go back, as I’ve learned so much about nutrition and exercising. Frustration is forever gone. I’ve got this for life.
  • it's been over a week and I'm still going strong after my six weeks of the Fitchik Program. This system really works! I lost almost 10 pounds! I am not only feeling great and looking slimmer, but now, I know exactly my numbers—how many grams of each macronutrient: protein, carbs, and fat I need to consume to properly fuel my body. Thank you, Anca, for always being supportive and for all the recipes we get with the program.
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